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Available since 2.4.0

The base class that is used for bz_addURLJob handlers. The URLDone method is a pure virtual function and must be implemented by any classes extending this base class.


bz_BaseURLHandler ()


void URLDone(const char* URL, const void* data, unsigned int size, bool complete)

This method is called when a URL job completes successfully.

const char* URL

The URL the original request was sent to.

const void* data

The incoming body of the request as a const char*, cast as needed.

unsigned int size

The string length of the incoming body.

bool complete

Will always be true.

void URLTimeout(const char* URL, int errorCode)

This method is called if the URL request times out.

const char* URL

The URL this request is coming from

int errorCode

Will always be 1.

void URLError(const char* URL, int errorCode, const char* errorString)

This method is called if the URL request fails.

const char* URL

The URL this request is coming from

int errorCode

Will always be 1.

const char* errorString

Will always be "Error".

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